Daniel Waldman resumed his practice in Brightwaters, Lake Macquarie area.
To make an appointment please call 0423503310 and leave a message with your name and phone number for a call back since the phone is unattended most of the time. Alternatively please either text SMS or email walddan1@gmail.com.
Acupuncturists recommended by Daniel Waldman:
Leif Tunell ph; 02 9358 6838 www.thepainreliefandwelllnessclinic.com.au
Maree P. Kearns ph: 02 92324477 Mob: 0437140073 https://thedymocksbuilding.com.au/store/maree-p-kearns-acupuncture
Sally Charles Mob: 0411497035 www.salllycharlesacupuncture.com.au
Emmanouil Harilaou ph: 0417439739
Ivanoff Arseny (Alex) Acupuncture Centre ph: 93896163
Alexey Koshelev – Dry Needling/Massage ph: 0425391242
There is also a list of practitioners avalable on our association’s website: www.acupuncture.org.au (under “Find a Practitioner” Tab)
About Us
Daniel qualified in 1981 and he opened his practice in Darlinghurst, Sydney the same year. Daniel has over 30 years experience practicing Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. He predominantly trained and studied in Japan, learning and mastering the subtle and unique techniques that ensure gentle treatments and positive results.In this time he has integrated many systems of Acupuncture into his practice drawing on the qualities of his past mentors in Japan and fusing those techniques with studies in Australia.
Daniel Waldman is a masterful practitioner who offers a thorough and individual style of treatment. His palpatory method of diagnosis allows him gauge exactly what is at the bottom of each individual pattern of disharmony .His broad and grounded knowledge in human anatomy coupled with his deep, intuitive capacity has fostered the evolution of a unique style.
The style of acupuncture used in our clinic is a systematic palpatory method which proves to be extremely effective in identifying source of the actual symptom and allows more precise treatment plan.
Being a Pain Relief Clinic we specialize in pain management that might have developed for various reasons: either of musculoskeletal origin or proper systemic irregularities where certain physiological and metabolic errors occurred.